Ysgol Bro Preseli
Message from the Head Teacher
Ysgol Bro Preseli
Message from the Head Teacher
Our school provides a stimulating learning environment that is safe, inspirational and inclusive. Pupils succeed in being literate and numerate, while also developing a love of learning through curiosity and challenge. We nurture every pupil to become an independent, resilient and responsible, considerate and caring individual. We aim to provide every pupil with a broad range of balanced educational activities to enable them to develop into ambitious and capable learners.
One of the main strengths of our school has always been its caring, open and happy ethos where pupils feel at home and enjoy their education in a totally Welsh environment. One of our main aims as a school is to make learning an exciting and pleasurable experience, mainly by ensuring we use teaching and learning methods, which are interesting and actively involve our pupils.
Every pupil is regarded as an individual who is an important member of the ‘family’ of Ysgol Bro Preseli. This fundamental principle of respecting each individual and placing the individual’s needs at the centre forms the basis of the school’s ethos, values and success.
Our school aims to offer every child the same opportunity to develop to the best of his or her ability, both as an individual and as a member of society, and to do so in a homely and supportive Welsh community whose mission is to nurture roots and broaden horizons.
– Mrs Rhonwen Morris,
Headteacher of Ysgol Bro Preseli
Upcoming Events
Ysgol Bro Preseli offers a range of events, which take place throughout the academic year. We pride ourselves in the opportunities we provide both inside and outside the classroom. Please see below upcoming events or click on our calendar below.
Ein Gwerthoedd
Our Key Values
High standards of discipline are maintained in the school based on agreed values. This is reflected in the appearance and behaviour of pupils. We believe that the most effective way to discipline is by ensuring that pupils foster a sense of self-discipline and a responsible attitude. Our key values are:
To promote a positive ethos and friendly atmosphere by developing an ability to trust one another.
To take responsibility for our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, education and culture.
Welsh Ethos
To celebrate our Welsh ethos and take pride in our multilingualism.
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Teaching and Learning
The school ensures that the curriculum meets the requirements of Curriculum for Wales and the aims and objectives of the examination awarding bodies. It is also tailored to meet the requirements of each pupil. It reflects the unique character, circumstances and ethos of the school and the community it serves.
3 - 11 years old
Progression Steps 1, 2 and 3
The course your child follows at school is called the Curriculum. The curriculum presented at Ysgol Bro Preseli is broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated. A broad curriculum provides the pupil with a wide range of experiences, knowledge and skills as they embark on their academic, personal, moral and spiritual journey. The curriculum is taught in a purposeful and inspiring learning environment.
11 – 16 years old
Progression Steps 4 and 5
Ysgol Bro Preseli devotes sufficient time to all areas of the curriculum in order to achieve a balance. The study material is relevant throughout the secondary curriculum. It is taught in such a way that it links with pupils’ experiences and promotes their development as well as preparing them for life as a young adult. The curriculum is differentiated and caters for pupils’ special needs in ways that make the curriculum accessible to all pupils. Progression in the programmes of study presented to pupils is crucial. The Curriculum covers a number of subjects as well as cross-curricular subjects and matters. When entering progression phase 5 and their GCSE studies the subjects are divided into Core and Option subjects.
16 – 18 years old
Post-16 Education
Ysgol Bro Preseli prides itself on offering students the opportunity to continue their post-16 education in a school with excellent academic standards, and in a close, bilingual and multilingual community. Ysgol Bro Preseli welcomes students from our current cohort of Year 11 pupils, along with any other pupils from outside our community who have an interest in joining our Sixth Form.
The Sixth Form prospectus outlines details of the subjects offered; along with videos outlining the content of the courses and the support available to students should they wish to attend the Sixth Form at Ysgol Bro Preseli. Any students who are not currently at Ysgol Bro Preseli should contact the school if they would like a copy of the prospectus. The prospectus is also available on this website.
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Get in touch
Should you have any queries or should you wish to discuss any matter with a member of staff, please feel free to contact the school by using the following means of contact.
Call the Office